Family Run Dog Park

Heavenly Views is a family-owned business. It is run by sisters Shannon and Carly, and their parents Kim and Austin.. and perhaps most importantly, managed by their team of 8 dogs!

Heavenly Views was a project that hailed from our experiences with our own beloved dogs. Running a farm and owning dogs is our bread and butter, but the two don’t always go hand in hand. We wanted a space for our dogs to run free and be dogs, without the risk of them chasing our livestock or damaging the local wildlife. Some of our furry friends have also had issues (close your ears dogs!) with recall in public places. Our fully-enclosed, private dog park allows our lovely customers to let their dogs run loose, without the worry that your dog may encounter other dogs, people or vehicles.

As a fully-qualified Animal Behaviourist, Shannon also understands the importance of having a space to exercise dogs who may have issues with nervous aggression or other anxieties. Booking a private slot in our dog park ensures that both you and your dog can relax in the knowledge that you won’t encounter anybody else.

From personal experience, we have all often found ourselves walking our dogs on our own in public places and have at oftentimes felt vulnerable. Having the privacy of a slot in our dog park means that you can exercise your dog, knowing that you are both in a safe environment.

So what makes us different?

The name Heavenly Views is no coincidence. Located at the top of the beautiful Blackdown Hills, our dog park is within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It offers 360* views of stunning countryside, which you can enjoy from the comfort of our picnic bench. Whether you want to meet a friend here for a picnic, let the kids safely run riot with your pooches, or just enjoy the quiet serenity for some 1-on-1 time with your four-legged friend; our location will take your breath away.

Rural Dog Park on the Blackdown Hills